Marketing research with industrial companies often centers on understanding industry trends, technological advancements, supply chain intricacies, operational efficiencies, and the evolving needs and preferences of B2B customers.

Audiences - Industrial research

Farm owners and operators, agronomists, land managers, agricultural economists, livestock managers, small holding owners, dairy farm managers, cereals, veterinarians crop buyers, geneticists and bio technologists, trade associations.

Operational efficiency, technological innovations, regulatory landscape, sustainability concerns, sales channels and distribution, branding & marketing, industry 4.0, localisation strategy, brand equity. 


Industrial brand loyalty and awareness

  • 1,900 interviews
  • 25 markets across Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East
  • SIC code based company selection, with phone, online and digital screening
Industrial brand loyalty and awareness

A brand equity exercise which aims to explore: brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand associations, and perceived quality, each providing value to a firm in numerous ways. Once a brand identifies the value of brand equity, it can follow this roadmap to build and manage that potential value. Conducted on behalf of a polymer business across industrial sectors in 25 markets. Interviews conducted with stakeholders across OEMs/ manufacturers/ fabricators/builders/ installers, distributors/ wholesale/ retail, planners/ architects & municipalities and decision makers for purchasing, technical specifications and procurement.

We have regularly conducted market research with construction and industrial experts with various specialised topics and themes explored: 

Market dynamics & trends:

Analysis of global and regional demand for specific industrial products or services.
Identifying emerging industrial trends, such as Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, or the integration of AI in operations.

Technological innovations:

Adoption and perceived value of new technologies, machinery, and software.
Exploring challenges and opportunities related to automation, IoT, and digital twins.

Supply chain management & Optimisation:

Evaluating challenges and solutions in raw material sourcing, production, and distribution.
The impact of events (e.g., pandemics, geopolitical tensions) on supply chain resilience and strategies for mitigation.

Operational efficiency:

Identifying best practices and tools for process optimisation and waste reduction.
Evaluating lean manufacturing and Six Sigma adoption and effectiveness.

Environmental & Sustainability concerns:

Researching industry approaches to sustainability and circular economy practices.
Exploring the market demand for eco-friendly or sustainable industrial products and processes.

Regulatory & Compliance landscape:

Assessing the implications of industry-specific regulations and standards.
Analysing the impact and preparedness for changing regulatory environments, especially related to environmental and safety standards.

Product development & innovation:

Understanding needs and gaps in current product offerings.
Exploring potential for new product lines or diversifying offerings.

Labour & Workforce:

Challenges related to talent acquisition, training, and retention.
The role of re-skilling and up-skilling in the face of automation and technological advancements.

Financial health & Investment:

Understanding investment patterns, budgeting, and financial strategies within the industrial sector.
Evaluating financing options and investment opportunities.

Customer preferences & engagement:

B2B customer buying behaviors, loyalty, and decision-making processes.
Assessing the effectiveness of sales and marketing strategies in reaching and engaging industrial clients.

Sales channels & distribution:

Evaluating the efficiency of current sales channels and exploring potential new avenues.
Analysing the role of e-commerce and digital platforms in B2B sales.

Risk management:

Identifying vulnerabilities related to operations, supply chains, and geopolitical scenarios.
Evaluating strategies and tools for risk prediction, assessment, and mitigation.

Competitive landscape & positioning:

Analysis of market share, competition, and strategies for differentiation.
Exploring opportunities for mergers, acquisitions, or strategic partnerships.

Branding & Marketing:

Understanding brand perception and equity in the B2B industrial space.
Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing mediums and campaigns, including trade shows, digital marketing, and print media.

Globalisation & Localisation Strategies:

Exploring opportunities and challenges of global expansion.
Evaluating the benefits of localised production or service centers.

Digital transformation & Industry 4.0:

Assessing readiness and challenges related to integrating advanced digital solutions into industrial operations.

Given the broad nature of the industrial sector, specific topics can vary based on sub-sectors (e.g., automotive, chemicals, machinery). However, the themes mentioned above offer a comprehensive view of potential research areas with industrial companies and their decision-makers.

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